I'd like to formally announce that I'm transitioning.
The name's Belinda now (they/them).
Felt like I'd finally express the me I truly see myself as.
Welcome to a new era. New name, new face.
average artist. sample text.
taking graphic design rn
Joined on 11/13/22
Posted by belinda-art - 7 days ago
I'd like to formally announce that I'm transitioning.
The name's Belinda now (they/them).
Felt like I'd finally express the me I truly see myself as.
Welcome to a new era. New name, new face.
Posted by belinda-art - January 1st, 2025
2024 was a bit of a trainwreck.
I may have had some wonderful events occur during that time, like taking a California vacay for a week, and I've made some miracles in my drawing hobby here and there, but for the most part, it was SUCH a mental slog.
Whether or not I'm fully returning yet, outside of the occasional art posting, is still up in the air, but I'm briefly stepping in to address some updates with how I'll be managing this social media stuff.
For starters, I'm definitely ditching my need of personal quotas. Those have accomplished nothing but the death of my sleep balance and my sanity. This is nothing more than a hobby after all, so I shouldn't be demanding more out of myself than usual.
My main YouTube has already been like this for a long while, but it now only serves as a video dump of whatever I find and/or feel like uploading.
There's a chance I might upload more animations there if the time and motivation ever arises, but I'm going to see how my animation class (starting around mid-January) goes before I jump the gun on any of that stuff. I'm hoping to learn how to make real good puppet rigs.
And to that very niche populous probably demanding I come back to my roots of remaking logos (vanity plates, whatever your chosen terminology is), stop while you're ahead. The mass spark for all that has been long dead, not to mention that group alone was (and still is) pretty toxic. I refuse to associate with them ever again (impersonator already tried lopping me back in there, thankfully to a fault), and very rarely do I remake logos anymore (all of that being uploaded under my side channel made specifically for those, to also help de-clutter the primary video dump).
At my current state, and honestly for my own sake, I feel I can only stay around for maybe one more year tops, but we'll see how 2025 shakes out before I set anything of that nature in stone.
Wish you all the best.
A happy new year to all! Let's hope it's at least marginally better than the last.
- B-RY-N
Posted by belinda-art - December 26th, 2024
partially back from my hiatus.
been working on and finishing up some doodles in the meantime.
right now, i'll only be here to post some of that stuff whenever possible.
apart from that, i won't be very active.
Posted by belinda-art - October 31st, 2024
Sorry for not being around to at least get something out and drawn for the Halloween holiday. I actually had a couple things drafted a while ago to go with the holiday, but I know I’ve already done missed the deadline.
Better to get those done late than never at all, right? (That’s been a tradition with me, too.)
Befitting with the spooky month by sheer coincidence, these past few weeks have reduced me to an utter wreck, from already having to deal with an impersonator (them being on a platform I myself no longer associate with, ever since August of this year) to generally being concerned about my own personal safety.
As such, I’m taking a bit of a break from these platforms to clear my head; taking a hiatus, basically.
It’s technically been around a week (more or less) in, and I’m already feeling somewhat better. I’ve been able to strictly focus on my Graphic Design degree a lot more (which is saying a ton, since full-time art college is no joke), and in a sense, this hiatus is prepping me more for real life out in the world.
This is just another update post to let you all know I’m doing fine, and am learning to live without many of the stresses of social media. I’ll be moving on from all of this eventually.
Happy Halloween!
And best wishes to you all,
— B-RY-N
Posted by belinda-art - October 17th, 2024
If it ain't obvious, I've made it somewhat clear I'd never come back to DeviantART. Ever.
To no surprise, I'm being impersonated behind my back.
From what I could find, some rando is stealing my identity, using a very old name I never use at all anymore.
From first impressions, you might think it's just a low-quality archive page, but digging deeper, it gets worse from there. Not only are they acting very immaturely (they're of the "logo-remaking" kind, a community I've left FOREVER ago, thank christ), but are verbally threatening people (one of their comments was a death threat, something I never wish upon anybody).
Since I kept my "no more dA" promise, I'm without many ways to report them, so I leave it you all to bring justice and take this account down. If that's not possible, please spread the word on there to anyone oblivious.
Wish you all luck,
– B-RY-N
Posted by belinda-art - October 1st, 2024
For the few people that cared about my TwentyPuff AU, I'm retiring it effective immediately.
It's already been mostly inactive (only 2–3 doodles for it in 2023; no one to blame but myself), so there's no point in me going back and forth between it being semi-active or inactive if I don't actively care to continue it anytime sooner or later.
Another factor as to why I gave up on it was its predominant design influence now leaving a very bitter taste in my mouth, the influencer of which (teacup) I have since cut all connection from, of my own free will.
Her very-controversial AkuBloss ship and, more recently, her shamelessly advertising her 18+ alt (you can guess what AU of hers is in that without me mentioning it), have simultaneously haunted my daily conscience long enough. NO MORE OF IT!!!
It's yet another one of those things I blame my ignorant teenage-self on for stumbling upon that rabbit-hole to begin with.
I'm in my twenties now. Things are gonna change for the better around here.
From here on out, it's pretty much gonna be how it already was for the past several months: drawing stuff for only the original PPG timeline.
I've been having a lot more fun drawing normal Powerpuff stuff anyway.
Hell, I've honestly surprised myself with my "Western Blossom" piece from this very year.
Hope I've explained enough, and I'll see y'all again whenever I can devote more time to art.
— B-RY-N
Posted by belinda-art - August 7th, 2024
it's about time i did this.
i've killed off my deviantart account for the sake of my own well-being.
it was the same stuff every day to where i got sick of it.
it's a new era for me. an era without that site holding me down.
let's hope it goes smoothly.
Posted by belinda-art - May 17th, 2024
For those who paid attention to my recent Twitter post (while it was still up), the platform's been killed. I no longer desire a Twitter.
There’s no point in further running a platform powered purely by the worst and most annoying of people (not saying that about everyone there, but you get what I mean).
Things are gonna change for the better in my social space.
As for DeviantART, that’s the next one for me to eventually leave (as already stated on that very profile). That site carries a different stench (dA mostly being unapologetically horny for the worst concepts to make seedy, rather than being abhorrently annoying), and I guess I currently have a bit of hesitance to leave it, given I’m desensitized to how awful it is and how I’ve set a standard for myself because of it. For what I doodle, I know what to keep to myself, since it’d hurt both me and all of you to really (and I mean REALLY) push what boundaries I’ve already set and rarely ever extend on.
Leaving that place is still on the chopping block, but it might be a little while compared to Twitter before I commit to it.
Unlike my Twitter, I’ll prolly still keep DeviantART up for the sake of interaction and archive; I just prolly won’t post art there anymore eventually.
That leaves both my YouTube channels (which exist purely for random crap I think of any day and the seldom logo-recon uploads whenever ideas and motivation spark), my Newgrounds, my Tumblr and my Discord. It’ll now be down to a more digestible amount of platforms.
Now that I’ve written on about my Twitter leave enough, I leave you all with a hearty goodbye.
Have a great day, and I’ll see you whenever,
— B-RY-N
Posted by belinda-art - November 13th, 2022
Hello to all here.
I decided to come here as another outlet for my art. I've posted several pre-done pictures regarding this year, but beyond that, everything else is relatively new.
Rating of my stuff will pretty much range between Everyone and Teen (13+). Mature doodles are a dime a dozen, if ever uploaded, and are rated accordingly.
Need I make it clear that I shift between the sketch-like linework in FireAlpaca, and the occasional escalation to polishing stuff in Inkscape. This would explain why certain pieces have slightly crude or rough linework.
With all that said, have fun looking around, I suppose.